Establishing oUR 'RUSSETT' VALUES....
When deciding upon our core values we asked ourselves......what does it mean to be part of the Russett family?
Pupils and staff were tasked with specific activities designed to unpick what we felt was important to us, asking:
- Why do we enjoy coming to Russett?
- What is our pupose?
- What are our hopes for the future?
Staff then came to our INSET day with thoughts, feelings and comments from both pupils and staff. We set to work to find a way to summarise our values in five key words.
Our Vision and Values...
At Russett, we seek to prepare our learners for life through prioritising skills required to meet their full potential.
Through our specialised curriculum, our children and young people are empowered through a strong emphasis on the development of individual communication strategies.
Our Russett team provide enriching and safe environments, where our pupils are encouraged to develop independence, whilst promoting well-being for a happy and fulfilled future.
Our values are the foundation from which we grow and develop, enabling us to make a real difference to those lives we touch;
Community – Resilience – Wellbeing – Respect – Empowerment
Our core values are integral to the work of our Russett family; evidenced in the quality of our relationships and interactions. Each area lists a set of behaviours we seek for our pupils and staff. Please refer to our Vision and Values toolkit for more information about each value in practice.