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At The Russett School we are very proud of what our alumni have gone on to accomplish and we want to celebrate their achievements by creating an informal Alumni Group that will offer members the opportunity to share their post Russett stories with current students.

Our alumni are living successful lives in the community and we want to stay connected and support their journeys. Some have gone on to live independently; others have secured employment or college placements and many access groups in the community. The Russett Alumni Group Objectives are:

  • To meet annually at The Russett School to exchange views and experiences with current students
  • To produce a yearly newsletter
  • Use Facebook as a networking platform to stay connected
  • Host informal coffee mornings at preferred destinations in the community



Get in touch via admin@russett.set.org or drop us a message on https://www.facebook.com/therussettschool/ if you want to connect and be part of The Russett Alumni Group.

Exciting News Update - A member of our alumni is heading to parliament to lobby MPs, click on the link to read more....



We hosted our first ‘Alumni’ group meeting in Summer 2022, it was a fantastic opportunity to invite past pupils into school to find out about
their journey post Russett. The afternoon was a huge success! We plan to offer this twice per year which will inform our plans for provision setting and how we can future improve our offer in helping our learners and their families to prepare for adulthood.

Our latest Alumni meeting took place on the 17th March, it was great to see so many past students wanting to come along and share their memories of their time at school and experiences of life after Russett.

Our next meeting will take place in the summer, keep your eyes on this page for the date.

This is what our alumni have to say:

“I’m at college and focused on my work, animal care. I’ve passed my maths and english and gone up 2 levels. I’ve passed my course and I’m starting a special internship in September at Ellesmere Port!”  Alan 

“I live independently, I do volunteering and still take part in the Panto in Cuddington.” Paul

“I love cooking at Looking Forward and I went to Petty Pool.”  Zoe

“I went to Mid-Cheshire College and I still like my computer games!”  Raymond

“I go to Reaseheath college and I’m doing Entry Level Construction. I love riding my motorbike and doing maintenance!”  Aeron

These are some of the comments about the afternoon:-

“Thank you so much I had a lovely afternoon . Made me proud to see what you youngsters have achieved. It was an absolute privilege to chat with you all. Hope to see you at the ball.”  Mr B

“Fantastic Day, seeing the students meet their teachers and old school friends, it was wonderful to see the joy on everyone’s face. A truly successful reunion.” Deb Winnington


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