, Welcome back to the Spring Term!
Our staff team consists of Craig, Charlotte, David and Cara. We also have Alex who covers PPA and department lead time on Tuesday afternoons and a Wednesday morning.
The students in Sycamore are focusing on increasing their independence, communication and functional skills across all areas of the curriculum in order to prepare them for adulthood and their futures beyond the Russett and within the wider community. Some of the students will begin their preparation into adulthood through undertaking a work placement within this academic year and accessing work to count towards their accreditation routes.
The students in the 14-19 department work on the 'Moving On' 14-19 curriculum devised by Equals.
Our Coastal Learners will be making meaningful choices in the world around them, increasing their ability to cross roads safely with support, requesting and accepting help. We will be developing our skills to increase our ability to clean our hands, teeth etc effectively and taking an interest in the products that we can use. We will also be creating some simple drinks and snacks with support from a trusted adult.
Our Countryside learners will be taking the opportunity to explore the world around them in greater detail, reading signs and navigating with support when out and about. We will be exploring some traditional tales, looking at shapes and simple recipes.
Students accessing our City pathway will beging looking at Maths that they will need in life and how this can translate to understanding number/maths using domestic appliances We will also be looking at creating a shopping list for some recipes that we would like to make and substituting some ingredients to make them tastier and healthier. We will be looking at and navigating our community in more detail accessing the local library and shops. We will also be thinking about plotting our own journeys to access the local area. We will also be increasing our communication and conversation skills by having discussions on current affairs.
Reading within Sycamore takes place daily. Reading encompasses: sensory stories, story boxes, information gathering, worksheets, through phonics. Reading is supported throughout all areas of the curriculum through the use of symbols and multi-sensory approaches. We promote a love of reading and embed it throughout our curriculum, applying it to real life situations and promoting independence such as reading recipes and timetables. The Rhino readers program can aso be accessed at home through the personalised logins to gain access to the range of books we use in school to further the students reading and literacy development. The new login codes will be sent home within the first week back. Please do keep us updated on your childs progress.
As part of ‘Horizons’ the Academy Careers Programme, the students will get comprehensive Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance. both in small group sessions and in 1:1 sessions to help support them with their future transitions and Career choices. During organised ‘Careers Days’ and during National Careers Week, the students will get the opportunity to meet with different employers and emplyees from local businesses to learn all about the skills needed to do many different jobs. In addition, identified students will take part in both internal and external work experience placements. These are tailored to match the interests and strengths of individual students. This experience is invaluable in the development of essential skills, confidence building and preparation for Adulthood. Students are given their own personal targets to work towards and are fully supported by our Job Coach throughout the placement.
In addition, we have several exciting activities planned across the term, including:
Please see our class timetable for more information on the curriculum taught. The class webpage will also be updated regularly with the latest information. Please can we ask that all clothing is clearly labelled to prevent it becoming lost, that the students bring a water bottle with them daily that can be refilled, and prepared for the day ahead (coats if the weather is changeable or it is going to be wet, sun hats and sun cream if it's warm).
You can also support your child in increasing their independence within the home by:
In Sycamore we will be capturing evidence of our learning through the Evisense portal. Please check your child’s page to see what we have been doing! It would also be pleasing to see evidence of learning outside of school uploaded to the portal.
Below, are some learning Links that you may find useful to further the learning at home….
GoNoodle | Topmarks | The Literacy Shed | Teach Your Monster | BBC Bitesize | Mars Maths | BKSB | Jasmine active | Study ladder | Skills builder | Sensory play ideas Twinkl Go/Rhino readers
Interactive maths games: Fruit Fall Pictograph Game | 2nd Grade Math Games | Toy Theatre Switch activities Autism sensory ideas
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