Every pupil at The Russett Academy is recognised as individual and unique. Through the Academy’s ‘Person Centered’ approach to planning, our pupils can articulate their dreams and aspirations for the future and adult life. They are taught the skills and attitudes required for developing their own independence and to assist in preparation for adulthood. We aim to provide an enriched and stimulating careers and work experience programme, fully embedded into the curriculum, to give each and every pupil the opportunity to reach their full potential. At The Russett we have a whole Academy approach to careers education. All staff support in the delivery of good quality and impartial Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance, which will allow the pupils, and their parents and carers, to have important information to help them make informed decisions about their future. The Careers Education is carefully mapped out to ensure that the pupils acquire knowledge, vocabulary and skills in a well-thought out and progressive manner. Careers education learning is based upon what has been taught before and as such will prepare the pupils for the next stage in their career’s education journey.
Please download our ‘Horizons’ document to read more about our offer for Careers and Work Experience at The Russett School.
Julie Hulse- Careers Leader can be contacted on 01606 853005 or by email