Remote Learning at The Russett School
This overview is designed to provide guidance in relation our remote education offer, it is intended to provide clarity and transparency for our pupils, parents or carers.
How will you offer support?
Please download our PDF (at the bottom of the page) for our ‘tiered’ approach to remote learning support;
Engagement & feedback
All work set will be suitable for the pupil’s individual learning needs, linked to their individual targets (IEP’s) and linked to in school learning.
We know that home learning is very different to in-school learning, particularly for children with severe learning difficulties, autism and/or complex learning needs. We fully appreciate that the large majority of our children may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. Our specialist setting offers many experiences across the school day that cannot be replicated within the home and we do not expect this.
All learning activities are fully inclusive and designed to be achieved within the home setting. We provide a wealth of activities that focus on schools core curriculum, seizing opportunities to learn skills through;
- Communication- across the day, visual support, using words, gesture, facial expression, learning how to wait, share, show likes and dislikes, signing, using symbols, AAC.
- Play- across all environments, outside, inside, creation, sharing, games, with others; parallel and solitary play
- Independence & Self-help- practising new skills, achieving new skills e.g dressing, making a drink, personal care, getting a snack
- Sensory- using and selecting resources appropriately to aid self-regulation, accepting help, using equipment, showing likes and dislikes, participation
- Physical development- running, walking, jumping, eating, drinking, climbing, dressing, toileting
- Behaviour- learning to accept a new routine, visual support, tolerating others/ routines, communicating likes and dislikes
- Turn-taking- learning new skills
- Making choices- using communication skills
- Keeping safe- safety in the home and in the garden
- Developing positive relationships
- Healthy Eating- trying new foods, cooking, learning new skills,
- Creative learning- Exploring and learning spontaneously
Assessment of progress
This is undertaken through;
- Calls and emails to home (Tier 2/3)
- Feedback from photographic evidence of learning sent into school. This will be uploaded onto Evisense (Tier 2/3)
- Baseline assessments are undertaken upon any return to school to ensure an accurate starting point and to enable swift intervention and appropriate targeted support
Please keep in touch with us and do let us know if you’re having any difficulties with remote learning, or if you have any questions. You can us at any time and we will be available to provide any support required. Please contact us via admin@russett.set.org or phone on 01606 853005.