Upcoming Events

To donate please click on the link below:
28.03.25 Charity Bake Sale 10am
03.04.25 LDCAMHS Drop In Session
29.04.25 LDCAMHS - Focus is Signpost for building better behaviour Followed by 6 workshops held on the following dates:-
- 06.05.25 @ 9.30-11.30am
- 13.05.25 @ 9.30-11.30am
- 20.05.25 @ 9.30-11.30am
- 03.06.25 @ 9.30-11.30am
- 10.06.25 @ 9.30-11.30am
Uniform: Just a reminder to parents and carers that we have secondhand uniform in school if its needed. We are also grateful for any donations. Call and ask for Helen and I’ll be only too happy to help.
Please click on the link for school uniform ordering https://www.schooltrends.co.uk/

We are here to help!
At The Russett School we value our families and our Family Liaison Worker. Helen works closely with parents, carers, and children to establish positive relationships. As part of her role, Helen supports parents/carers to develop and enhance their parenting skills.
One of Helen’s main roles is to support parental engagement with school and other agencies. Some families require assistance in overcoming barriers to services and Helen is able to bridge that gap. Her role sees her working alongside other professionals and agencies, and she also provides a complementary service to teachers and other staff in addressing the needs of our children.
Useful contacts & Links
Integrated Access and Referral Team (i-ART) - 0300 123 7047
Cheshire West and Chester Early Help & Prevention and Children's Social Care
CAMHS Learning Disability - Cheshire West
Local Resources:
Live Well Cheshire West: Provides information on local services and early help and prevention services. They can also connect you with services and organizations that can help with a variety of issues.
Cheshire West and Chester Council: Offers information on local services, including the Early Help and Prevention Service.
Family Lives: This volunteer-led organization provides early intervention and crisis support to families. They offer helplines, online advice, and forums. You can contact them at 0808 800 2222 or email askus@familylives.org.uk.
Together Trust: Provides family and community support, including specialist services to help families with children's learning and development. You can contact them on 0161 283 4848 or visit www.togethertrust.org.uk.
Netmums: For general advice on parenting issues and social events.
Care for the Family: For information on family, marriage and parent support and general advice.
Fatherhood Institution: Provides support for fathers.
Citizens Advice: Offers general advice on most subjects.
CWAC Help: For adults in Cheshire West and Chester seeking help.
Domestic Abuse in Cheshire West: Provides support for victims of domestic violence.
Family Support Online from Kids: Provides support via email, text or voice/video call to families across England facing challenges.
Specific Types of Support:
Mental Health Support: Family Lives, Family Action, and the National Autistic Society offer resources for mental health concerns of both parents and children.
Parenting Support: Family Lives and Netmums provide guidance on parenting issues.
Financial Support: Cheshire West and Chester council and Turn to us can provide information on benefits.
Support for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND): Barnardo's and Kids offer resources for parents and carers of children with SEND.
Support for Families Seeking Asylum: Barnardo's offers helplines for families seeking asylum.
Support for Young Carers: Barnardo's helps young carers take care of their loved ones and enjoy their childhoods.