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Welcome to The Russett School!

The Russett School is a specialist setting registered for pupils aged 2 to 19 years whose primary need is associated with having a Severe Learning Difficulty (also known as SLD) and/or Complex Learning Needs. We are also part of Shaw Education Trust. 

Our curriculum is bespoke. This means that is has been carefully designed specifically for learners who have SLD. It has been written to meet the varying needs of pupils who first and foremost have a severe impairment in relation to their cognitive function and or learning ability. 

The Russett School also supports pupils who may have further needs in addition to their severe learning difficulty. For example; some of our pupils have severe communication and interaction needs. 

Pupils at Russett undertake learning activities within classes in mixed ability groups of around 11 pupils with peers similar in age.

Class sizes are generally supported by 4 adult adults (one class teacher and three Teaching Assistants).

Curriculum & Assessment

All learning pathways have been created to suit the needs of each learner profile. Our Pathways are the:

·       Early Years Foundation Stage

·       Coastal Pathway

·       Countryside Pathway

·       City Pathway

Our aims are;

  •  To provide outstanding educational opportunities through a personalised curriculum- cognition & learning, communication & interaction, mental health and wellbeing and physical & sensory needs
  •  To prepare our children and young people for the next stage of education and transition into adulthood
  • To ensure that no pupil/young person leaves without a means to communicate
  • To promote skills of independence for a happy and fulfilled future

We hope you find our website helpful and informative. We also have information on CWAC's Livewell site please follow the link to view The Russett School - Academy | Live Well Cheshire West (cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk)

Admissions and visits to School

We are incredibly proud of our school and Russett family.

Our values are Community- Resilience Wellbeing- Respect- Empowerment

Please follow the link for information regarding Russett’s admissions policy The Russett School - Policies & Protocols (therussettlearningtrust.co.uk)

If you would like to visit the Russett School, please contact the school office on 01606 853005 where details will be taken from you. We will ask for information about your child and their specific SEN needs. A member of SLT will then be alerted to contact you for discussion. If after discussion it is felt that Russett may be an appropriate setting for your child, a visit will be scheduled to suit the needs of current pupils at the school.

Alternatively, if you have any question or queries please do not hesitate to contact the office via email admin@russett.cheshire.sch.uk


Mrs Emma Leach - Executive Headteacher 

School News Feed
  • Weather
    24 June 2024
    Good morning The forecast this week is very hot for most days. Please ensure sun cream is applied/ bottle sent in for your child with their name on and also a sunhat please if they will wear. We ensure pupils are not outside during peak times/kept in shade and will be offering plenty of drinks... we will certainly be benefitting from our air conditioned classrooms this week! Many thanks
  • General
    24 May 2024
    Good afternoon to all of our pupils and families, Please find attached our newsletter. Wishing you a safe and happy half term holiday. School opens again on Tuesday 4th June
  • Event
    7 May 2024
    Mental Health Week
    Dear All, Mental Health Awareness Week in 2024 takes place from 13 to 19 May. The week is an important opportunity to make time for our mental health. As part of our celebrations, we would like to invite pupils, staff and parents to wear green for Wear It Green Day on Thursday 16th May. The colour green is often associated with nature, growth, renewal and hope, therefore making it an ideal choice to represent mental health awareness. Wear It Green could be achieved by wearing The Russett School jumper or something different such as a green T - shirt, ribbon or wristband. If you can’t take part on this day, please don’t worry, you can hold your Wear it Green Day at any time of the year! Thank you and kind regards, The Health and Wellbeing Team
  • General
    1 May 2024
    Bank Holiday 6th may
    Dear Parents & Carers Just a reminder that school will be closed on Monday 6th May 2024 as this is a bank holiday. Many thanks, All at Russett
  • Newsletter
    26 April 2024
    Newsletter - 26th April
    Dear Parents and Carer, Please find attached our newsletter
  • Newsletter
    28 March 2024
    Newsletter 28th March
    Dear Parents and Carers, Please find attached our newsletter. Wishing all our families a lovely Easter. Kind regards Emma
  • Newsletter
    15 March 2024
    Newsletter - 15/3/24
    Dear Parents and Carers, Please find attached our newsletter Kind regards Emma
  • Event
    6 March 2024
    Red Nose Day - 15th March
    Dear All, Red Nose Day is back on Friday 15th March 2024! Therefore, as part of our celebrations, the Health and Wellbeing team would like to invite everyone (if they wish) to wear red on this day. Please do not go to any expense as this could be any item of clothing or accessory that you already own, from a T shirt to a red nose! As Red Nose Day is the time of year where we do something to fight poverty through humour, we would like to run a 'Cheesy Joke Competition'. All classes are currently working hard to find their funniest joke to make us all 'laugh-til-we-cry'. We would like to extend this challenge to all parents/carers too! Please send in your cheesiest joke via the Home/School diaries and we will collect them. The Student Council have kindly offered to judge the competition for us and will award an Easter egg for the joke that makes us laugh the most! Many thanks, The Health and Wellbeing Team
  • Newsletter
    1 March 2024
    Newsletter 1/3/24
    Dear Parents and Carers, Please find attached our newsletter. Kind regards Emma
  • Newsletter
    9 February 2024
    Newsletter - 9/2/24
    Dear Parents and Carers, Please find attached our newsletter and online safety attachment Kind regards Emma
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