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Cherry Blossom is a very happy class of 12 EYFS and Key Stage 1 learners whose learning activities are delivered through a multi-sensory approach. The children’s learning is supported through a variety of creative, sensory experiences and motivating resources including Attention Autism, sensory stories and Numicon. Our timetable is enriched further through Forest Schools sessions and wider opportunities. We promote and support the children’s communication skills, through a total communication approach in the classroom. 

The Cherry Blossom Team are Imogen, Alex, Lucy (Monday, Tuesday), Amy (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and Rachel. PPA Cover Teacher Philly (Wednesday am) Forest Schools Emma (Tuesday pm.)

This term our Coastal Learners are looking forward to exploring our theme ‘The Seaside’ through engaging learning activities which offer opportunities to practice skills including anticipation, participation, communication of preferences, intentional choices and making requests.

Pupils on our Countryside pathway will enjoy developing their skills in communication, social interaction, functional literacy, numeracy, understanding of the world, independence and self-help skills.  They will be provided with opportunities to master these skills and transfer them to different contexts through learning centred around our theme ‘The Seaside.’


Reading in Cherry Blossom class involves practising early reading skills through sharing and enjoying stories and books together. This promotes the children’s imagination, their curiosity for the world they live in, supports their communication skills and is great fun! We provide daily opportunities to read within school to nurture a love of reading. We read together as a group, and again as individuals to explore turning pages, and use books as a support system for our communication. We appreciate the importance of creating a culture for reading, and inspiring pupils through stories. By reading, you are exposed to so many wonderful things. This helps your imagination when it comes to creating and thinking. By reading, you are painting those pictures of the story in your mind. Books can take you anywhere you want to go.

We have a book that we would love you to share as a family. Here are a couple twinkl codes and books.

‘It is Hot’ Pin Code - JE7028

‘The Map’ Pin Code - JE5786

To support your child who is at a pre phonics stage we also have access to a couple of environmental sounds games and codes to support their learning further.

‘The Seaside’ Pin Code - JE4038

‘The Zoo’ Pin Code - JE1709

Summer 2 Class Text: ‘The Sea Saw’ by Tom Percival. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9wurZHLo3I

We are sure that the stories we share will inspire a wealth of sensory experiences, creative mark making and artwork. Further, the children will have opportunities to apply and practise their early reading skills through all areas of the curriculum.

In addition, we have sessions planned for

  • Lightroom sessions throughout the week.
  • Virtual Reality Headsets Monday afternoon.
  • Forest Schools session Tuesday afternoon.
  • Magic carpet time Friday afternoon.

Please see our class timetable for more information.

In Cherry Blossom, we enjoy capturing evidence of our learning through EviSense, so please check your child’s page to see what we have been doing!

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