Welcome to Chestnut class!
We are a Key Stage 3 Class with 11 pupils.
Our staff team consists of Hayley, Emma, Chris (Thurs-Fri) and Sharon.
Our topic for this half term is:
Topic: Leisure and Hobbies
Book: A Stage Full of Shakespeare Stories by Angela McAllister
As part of Twinkl Phonics, we follow the Rhino Readers scheme. In order, to access the e-books at home, follow the Twinkl Go links below and input the relevant access code. If you are unsure which level to use, please speak to Hayley.
Level 1: Access using pin code: JZ4698
at Twinkl Go
Level 2: Access using pin code: KS4867
at Twinkl Go
Level 3: Access using pin code: JW4087
at Twinkl Go
Level 4: Access using pin code: JD4873
at Twinkl Go
Level 5: Access using pin code: CI1928
at Twinkl Go
In addition, we have:
- P.E. and Forest Skills on a Tuesday
- Light Room and Dark Room sessions
- Immersive Room sessions
- V.R. headsets
- Educational visits
In Chestnut Class we capture evidence of our learning through Evisense. Please check your child's page to see what we have been doing.
Please see our class timetable below for more information.
Special Requests:
- Please send in a warm/ waterproof coat for your child - clearly labelled with your child's name
- Please remember that we are a nut free school.
- We have Forest School every Tuesday morning - please can you send additional clothing for your child for these sessions. All items need to be clearly labelled with your child's name as they are liable to get lost/ mixed up when we are getting changed. Please can you send:
- Long Sleeve t-shirt and jacket/ jumper
- Warm trousers/ jogger bottoms
- A warm and waterproof coat
- Hat, gloves and scarf
- Wellie boots/ walking boots/ change of footware
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