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Welcome to Ash Class

We hope you had a wonderful half term and are ready to learn!

Our topic this term is "Kitchen Science!"

Our English text focus this term is "Cool Kids Cook" by Jenny Chandler

We have a wonderful group of 11 pupils within our classroom.  In Ash class, we enjoy learning and having lots of fun in Key Stage 3. Some of our favourite activities include: Forest School, exploring the immersive spaces with sensory stories, science experiments and many more! 

  • Emma (Class Teacher: Tue-Fri)
  • Phillipa (HLTA: M, Wed pm, Thurs am)
  • Steph
  • Niamh
  • Kayleigh

During our work sessions we encounter fun, exciting and fulfilling learning activities, broadening their skills and developing knowledge, at a pace appropriate to them. We have high expectations for all pupils within Ash class, engaging their interests through a range of fun, sensory and practical activities, alongside formal written tasks. 

This term our Coastal Learners are looking forward to developing their knowledge and skills across a range of topics, including My Communication, My Play and Leisure, My Problem and Thinking skills amongst others. The pupils enjoy accessing a rich curriculum, with a heavy focus on sensory input and practical work activities. Sessions will focus on the development of their communication skills, which help our pupils work on their ability to make requests, following orders and encountering real life situations. Our Countryside learners will be accessing a blended approach to their learning. The pupils will be accessing a thematic curriculum, linking closely to our topic for the term.


Additional Sessions: 

In addition, we have several exciting activities planned across the term, including: 

  • Light room and Dark room sessions throughout the week 
  • Access to the magic carpet 
  • Access to the VR headsets 
  • PE (Wednesday pm) 
  • Swimming (Tuesday am & Thursday pm)

Please see our class timetable for more information. 

In Ash, we will be capturing evidence of our learning through Evisense. Please check your child’s page to see what we have been doing! 


Special Requests:

  • Please send in a warm/ waterproof coat for your child - clearly labelled with your child's name
  • To ensure that your child's shoes and clothes stay as clean as possible, you may want to send in a pair of wellies for your child to wear during our outdoor learning, clearly labelled with their name. 
  • We have snack time twice daily. These are useful learning sessions designed to help your child develop their communication skills. Please can you send in some snack and a water bottle, clearly leablled with your child's name.
  • Please remember that we are a nut free school.


Class Timetable

Please find the timetable for Ash class below.

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