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In Oak our primary focus continues to build independence along with functional skills to ensure that all of the students leave us as independent, and as ready as possible for their next adventures in adult life. 

We will continue to ensure that students are prepared for their transition into the adult services sector.  All students will have support and opportunities to be as independent as possible during the day; extending communication and engagement within well rehearsed routines and life skills activities.

We continue to follow the Moving On curriculum that is appropriate for our older students. This links to the relevent coursework with accreditation through Open Awards and Asdan. This work is student focused and integrtaes their interests, wishes and aspirations. Students also have the opportunity to complete functional skills examinations if they are deemed ready to.

Students are working very hard towards completing their Asdan modules. They have contributed in choosing the next modules to undertake, based on personal interests. The modules offer a range of activities and the students are rightly very proud of their work and achievements to date. 

Pupils accessing our City pathway will be engaging in work linked to Open Awards comprising of a number of units developing their independence and preparing them for adulthood and the world of work.  These will be at certificate, extended certificate and diploma level.  The students will also be completing their Functional Skills curriculum in Maths, English and ICT and will be undertaking their exams at Entry Level 1 or 2 in these subjects in the summer term..

Names of staff- Maria Nicholson (class teacher)  Sarah; Katie; Carly, Mel

 Our Careers lead; Bex will continue to work closely with staff and students during the week.

This term our students will be working in small groups, with indiviudual support as appropriate.  We will be using facilities in the community; including our local shops; leisure facilities and getting out and about to develop confidence and practice social skills in the local community. Students are very exciting about the visits we plan together. Please check school Ping and the diary to see any updates for your child.

Please see our class timetable below for more information.

Reading in Oak: The students undertake reading throughout the curriculum, whether it be to read their work or to gather information to be used within sessions such as for recipes or instructions.  We do also have specific reading sessions to build upon the students phonetic, high frequency words, functional text and signs and symbols for life.  Students are encouraged to extend their reading at home in a functional way reading newspapers, the television planner or even bus and train timetables.


As part of ‘Horizons’ the Academy Careers Programme, the students will each get comprehensive Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance from a Careers Advisor both in small group sessions and in 1:1 sessions to help support them with their Transition and Career choices.  During organised ‘Careers Days’ and during National Careers Week, the students will get the opportunity to meet with different employers and employees from local businesses to learn all about the skills needed to do many different jobs.  They will also get the opportunity to visit local colleges such as Cheshire Colleges, Coleg Cambria, Riverside College, Reaseheath and Pettypool Colleges as well as participating in taster courses at Cloughwood Academy.

In addition, identified students from years 11 upwards will take part in both internal and external work experience placements.  These are tailored to match the interests and strengths of individual students.  Some recent external placements have been at Pets at Home; Mere Brow Permaculture Project; Jane Mullen Speech Therapy Ltd; The Hub Café; The Food Hub (Northwich Community Support).  This experience is invaluable in the development of essential skills, confidence building and preparation for Adulthood.  Students are given their own personal targets to work towards and are fully supported by our Job Coach throughout the placement.

In Oak, we capture evidence of our learning through Evisense. Please check your child’s page to see what we have been doing.

Below, are some learning Links that you may find useful to further the learning at home….

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