the russett BEHAVIOUR TEAM
At The Russett School we believe, the approach to the management and support of behaviour is key in supporting pupils to achieve the best possible outcomes and should therefore be viewed as an issue of the highest importance. We follow a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) model which is widely acknowledged to be the most effective way to support people whose behaviour challenges those around them and is a blend of person-centred values and behavioural science which uses evidence to inform decision-making. PBS approaches are based on a set of overarching values which include the commitment to providing support that promotes inclusion, choice, participation and equality of opportunity.
The role of our Behaviour Team is to ensure that our approach to behaviour is adhered to and implemented successfully across the academy. Our team support colleagues by carrying out observations and recommending support strategies for individual pupils as well as carrying out regular training for all staff.
ELSA is an initiative developed and supported by educational psychologists. It recognises that pupils learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are met alongside their academic ones. At The Russett School we have a team of highly trained ELSA’s that deliver sessions to small groups and individuals to support a range of emotional needs, including:
- recognising emotions
- Self-esteem
- Building resilience
- Social skills
- Friendship skills
- Anger management
- Therapeutic and social stories
- Loss, bereavement and change within families.
Recognising that pupils learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are met alongside their academic ones
Rebecca Gussow is our Academy Careers Lead and is responsible for The Russett School’s bespoke Careers and Work Experience Programme ‘Horizons’. Julie ensures that through Horizons the academy meets the Department for Education’s 8 Gatsby Benchmarks, ensuring all our pupils benefit from high quality careers education.
Helen is the academy's Family Liaison Worker. Helen works closely with families, parents, carers, and children to establish positive relationships. As part of her role, Helen supports parents/carers to develop and enhance their parenting skills.
One of Helen’s main roles is to support parental engagement with school and other agencies. Some families require assistance in overcoming barriers to services and Helen is able to bridge that gap. Her role sees her working alongside other professionals and agencies, and she also provides a complementary service to teachers and other staff in addressing the needs of our children.
Helen supports families through TAF (Team around the family), CIN (Child in need) and CP (Child Protection) plans, attending meetings and providing updates from teachers. Any actions that are identified from these meetings are carried out until the objectives are met.
Peggy Jukes is the academy’s job coach. Her role involves working closely with Rebecca to implement the work experience aspect of the Horizons Programme. Peggy supports pupils to access both internal and external work placements that meet the unique interests and abilities of our pupils, preparing them for potential future employment.
Commissioned services
Speech & Language Therapy
In addition to services provided by the NHS, The Russett School commissions an independent Speech and Language Therapist to support the speech, language and communication needs of all our pupils. Our therapist works with identified pupils on a 1:1 basis as well as in small groups. She also regularly provides whole staff training and resources to ensure best practice across the academy, which benefits all pupils.
Occupational Therapy
Our independent Occupational Therapist has been commissioned to work collaboratively with our teaching staff, other professionals and families to help our pupils develop functional skills for everyday life in areas such as self-care and life skills.
Our therapist is currently supporting identified pupils with:
- Fine and gross motor and co-ordination skills
- Sensory based strategies to support sensory integration
- Self-help and independence
- Specialist equipment needs, such as adapted cutlery, pens and writing slopes.
Occupational Therapy can be provided in individual or group sessions as well as integrated into the classroom with programmes delivered by the class team.
Other commisioned services include....
Play Therapy
Play therapy uses play as a way of helping people understand and express their thoughts and feelings. It's mainly used with children who may not be able to put how they are feeling into words. Play therapy helps them to communicate at their own level using everyday play things.
Music therapy
This is the clinical use of music to accomplish individualized goals such as reducing stress, improving mood and self-expression. It is an evidence-based therapy well-established in the health community. Music therapy experiences may include listening, singing, playing instruments, or composing music.