Welcome to Beech class
Hello and welcome to our second half term.
This term in Beech we have lots of great learning oppurtunities and experiences planned. We are a class of key stage 4 pupils and we will be following the ‘Moving On’ Equals Curriculum which is designed to support our young people develop skills in Maths, English, ICT alongside Vocational Studies; World Studies and independent living skills.
Pupils will be supported for individual and small group learning in all lessons; identifying what is important to them, what they want to learn. and working hard to increase our independence and self-help skills each day, including communicating choices.
Our work will include:
- Working on poems, newspapers and wiriting about ourselves.
- Maths in the community - Using maths for functional purposes such as cooking (every Monday): shopping, travel routes/times and money.
- Electricity
- World Studies - festivals.
- Understanding the role of the emergency services and road safety.
- Communicating our opinions, feelings and beliefs
- We will continue to stream daily for phonics.
This half-term, our PE focus is football whiich will take place every Tuesday. Please can you ensure that your child has appropriate footwear (trainers) and a change of clothes if they wish. As the weather starts to change please ensure your chiild has appropriate clothing to access the playground which they will have the opportunity to do multiple times a day...
As the term progresses, we plan to take some visits within the community; the children will be involved in the planning of these and they will have a social story to follow as part of their preparation.. The pupils are currently excitedly planning the Children in Need toy sale.
As always please feel free to contact the staff team via the home school diary or call if you prefer. The pupils work will also be shared regularly via evisense..
Staff in Beech Class
- Class Teacher: Amy
- Teaching Assistants: Carley, Charley and Amy.
Rhino Readers:
please find the links for rhino readers:
Level 1: Access this lesson using pin code: JZ4698
at Twinkl Go
Level 2: Access this lesson using pin code: KS4867
at Twinkl Go
Level 3: Access this lesson using pin code: JW4087
at Twinkl Go
Level 4: Access this lesson using pin code: JD4873
at Twinkl Go
Level 5: Access this lesson using pin code: CI1928
at Twinkl Go