Meet your academy council- Please scoll down page

Carrie Rowley- Academy Councillor (Chair)
I am Carrie Rowley, Chair of the Academy Council. I first became a governor at The Russett 10 years ago when my daughter joined the school. During that time it has been my privilege to be part of the school's journey through conversion into an academy, creation of the Russett Learning Trust and most recently joining the Shaw Education Trust. Outside of The Russett, I have a Masters Degree and PhD in Mechanical Engineering and have spent the last 20 years working in the nuclear industry. I am currently Director of Nuclear Safety at an engineering consultancy, Different by Design, where I am responsible for strategic leadership, technical oversight, mentoring my team, business development and recruitment. I feel incredibly honoured to be part of The Russett's uniquely welcoming, accepting and nurturing community, both as a Councillor and a parent. The Russett is a truly wonderful place, where pupils are celebrated for being themselves and encouraged to flourish. I am passionate about empowering young people with SEND to pursue brighter futures and I enjoy every second I spend working with the amazing staff and pupils at The Russett to achieve that.

Cheryl Booth- Academy Councillor (Vice Chair)
Hi, my name is Cheryl Booth. I am a retired Teacher and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo). To be an Academy Councillor of a special school such as The Russett School is not only very important to me, but also a privilege. I visit school regularly as I am the Safeguarding Councillor and value this essential role within The Russett family. I believe all children and young people should have the opportunity to learn, grow and achieve their full potential in a safe and nurturing environment. They deserve be taught with understanding and encouragement, to ‘sparkle’ and be the best version of themselves and become a valued member of society. Since retiring, I have continued to support educational trips and I enjoy plenty of walks and rambles with my husband Mike. I enjoy crafting, reading, knitting and lots of baking. I am a musician and enjoy playing my flute or guitar as well as composing a few tunes.

Scott Davidson- Academy Councillor
Hello, my name is Scott Davidson. I have worked in the utility sector for 11 years following my graduation from the University of Edinburgh with a Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering. I held various positions within United Utilities working across the northwest, most recently as a Regional Operations Manager. I transitioned to a career at Barclays, where am the technology sustainability lead for the supply chain, helping develop the strategic direction for the bank to decarbonize its technology footprint. During this tenure, I gained extensive experience in managing substantial operating expenses and capital expenditures, engaging a diverse range of complex stakeholders, and executing numerous transformation projects. My son, William, who is now four years old, was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at a young age. We were fortunate to find the Russett School playgroup, which provided us with invaluable support. We received guidance on available resources, strategies for navigating challenging periods, and the opportunity to connect with other parents who shared similar experiences. I am deeply committed to contributing to this essential aspect of our local community. As an academy councillor, I am honored to support the Russett School, a team that provides an outstanding level of education, to the amazing children who attend. I am looking forward to assisting the school and its students in their journey through their time at Russett.

Emma Leach - Headteacher, Ex- officio
My name is Emma Leach and I am the Executive Headteacher and Ex Officio for the Academy Council. My career in Special Education started back in 2001 after completing a BTEC National Diploma in Early Years. The children sparked my passion for helping others to achieve and I spent many happy years within the classroom, truly devoted to my role of a Teaching Assistant. As an aspiring teacher, I went on to complete a Foundation Degree in Supporting Teaching & Learning before subsequently completing a Bachelor of Arts with Honours Degree in Teaching Learning & Mentoring Practice and later gaining QTS. In 2014, I decided to take the step into school leadership after working at the Russett School as a class teacher and subject leader for English. Since this time, I have successfully completed two Deputy Headships across two local authorities before gaining the post of Executive Headteacher at The Russett School and Russett Learning Trust in 2021. I completed the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) in 2018 and the National Professional Qualification for Executive Leadership (NPQEL) in July 2024. During my time in senior leadership I have led during schools Ofsted inspections in 2014,2018 and the latter in 2023 in which Russett gained its third consecutive ‘Outstanding’ judgement. In July 2024 I successfully led and managed the Russett Learning Trust’s conversion into The Shaw Education Trust, navigating system wide change in order to provide a sustainable and successful future for the academy. Over the years my inspiration has remained unchanged in my drive and unswerving commitment to make a difference for children and young people with Special Educational Needs. In that drive I hope to inspire and continue to mentor all staff to be the best possible practioners, where which they can share Russett’s vision for care and education.

Marie Allen- Finance Manager & Associate Academy Councillor
Hi, I'm Marie Allen and I have been part of the school office team since 1997. Previously I worked for NatWest Bank and I then joined The Russett when the Local Authority began delegating budgets to schools. In 2008 I embarked on the new CSBM course (Certificate in School Business Managment) and in 2010 I went on to complete the DSBM (Diploma). I was part of the Executive Team when we converted to academy status and formed The Russett Learning Trust in 2015, and I joined CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy) in order to complete the Certificate in Financial Reporting for Academies and undertake the role of CFO. Being part of The Russett Family for the past 28 years has been incredibly interesting, enjoyable and varied. I feel I have been able to support the amazing work of the teaching teams with our young students, and it has been a privilege to have witnessed so many of them accessing the wonderful facilities and inspiring teaching at this special place.

Jessica Dennis- Deputy Head Teacher for Lower School- Associate Academy Councillor
My name is Jessica Dennis and I am deputy headteacher, with responsibility for lower school at The Russett School. Having started my career at The Russett School in 2013, I have had the privilege of growing alongside the school, beginning as a class teacher and progressing through roles as a middle leader, Coaching for Inclusion Partnership lead and deputy headteacher. At each stage of my career, I have actively pursued continued professional development opportunities. I have gained National Professional Qualifications in both Senior Leadership and Headship. I am also trained as a Level 5, Positive Behaviour Support Practice Lead, enabling me to lead whole school behaviour with fidelity to a PBS model. Each stage of my career at The Russett has deepened my understanding of the school’s ethos and strengthened my commitment to working with pupils with special educational needs and Difficulties (SEND) and their families. In 2018, I was designated as a Specialist Leader in Education for SEND which enabled me to work alongside other settings across Cheshire, ensuring that pupils with SEND were supported effectively. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have worked with a wide variety of staff members, to date, and pride myself on the relationships I develop and maintain with colleagues across all levels of our organisation as well as wider stakeholders.

Kathryn Richardson- Deputy Head Teacher for Upper School- Associate Academy Councillor
*Update in process

Judith McGuinness
*Update in process